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... Safety stock is calculated by assuming the service level maintained. Service level is a percentage of the time customer demand is met (Render, Stair, Jr., Hanna, & Hale, 2018). As mentioned in (Donselaar & Broekmeulen, 2012) a service level at a range of 90% to 98% is reasonable for many regular perishable grocery products, we use 95% as the service level to determine Z value as the component parameter in determining safety stock (ss). ...

... Simulation is a powerful tool to evaluate the impact of business decisions on performance in uncertain environment (Chopra & Meindl, 2016). Simulation approach in managing inventory were also found in several studies such as (Liu, Zhang, Liu, & Lin , 2013), (Soshko, Vjakse, & Merkuryev, 2010), (Mahamani, Rao, & Pandurangadu, 2017), (Duong, Wood, & Wang, 2015), (Badri, 1999), and (Alstrom & Madsen, 1992), The advantage of simulation is useful when demand an lead time are probabilistic (Render, Stair, Jr., Hanna, & Hale, 2018). The simulation model allows the inclusion of variability in demand and lead time. ...

  • Yudhia Mulya Yudhia Mulya

Simulation-optimization inventory models are widely used in inventory management studies, including for perishable good. A good inventory management is required to save inventory cost. We use simulation approach to take into consideration of uncertain demand and lead time to obtain a better result of optimal order quantity that minimizes inventory cost. Simulation result shows that simulation-optimization models generates lower total inventory cost. The simulation provides information of objectives in inventory management: (1) how much to order and (2) when to order with minimum cost which gives valuable information in business decision making.

... Each unit of productallocated to the dummy destination signifythat the capacity is excess, and each unit allocated to the dummy source represent that the demand is still not fulfilled. [3] In Bangladesh Cable Shilpa limited, Khulna,after statistical analysis it was observed that in most of the time period for the last 2 year, the demand for copper cable is greater than supply. So this situation is discussed below. ...

... To identify theprimary VAM solution, we can use a six step process: [3] VAM Step 1.Difference between the two lowest unit delivery costs is first determined for each row and column of the traditional transportation table. Thedifference between the distribution costs are referred by these numbers on the most optimum route in the row or column and the next optimum route in the row or column. ...

Aggregate planning is an analytical tool that proposes a strategy to meet demand according to the capacity constraints. In this paper, aggregate planning strategies are discussed and a special structure of transportation model is investigated for the aggregate planning purpose of "Bangladesh Cable Shilpa Ltd, Khulna". For this transportation problem, all the unit costs, supplies, demands & other values are taken from a case study. The forecasting demand values are determined using Single Exponential Smoothing Forecasting technique. Transportation model & the Transportation algorithm is discussed in this paper. A real life unbalanced transportation problem is discussed and solved to bring the most efficient technique of reducing transportation and storage cost. Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) algorithm is also discussed & used to determine the starting solution of the transportation model. Finally, TORA software is used to find the optimum cost by using transportation method.

... There are many traditional prediction methods for time series data. F. M. De and X. Yao [4], [5] used the traditional method to forecast the load of the power grid, and used the sales volume of the previous day as the input to forecast the sales volume data of the next day, and achieved a certain forecast effect. However, only the data of previous day is used, and the prediction result of the previous data input as input for the time series model is more error. ...

... The calculation method is shown as Eqs. (4)(5). Among them, indicates the input gate information at time , and indicates the update of the memory unit, which indicates how much information is forgotten and which of the current input information needs to be updated into the current memory unit. ...

... It encompasses streams of approaches, interpretations, and ideas, and it investigates how individuals, groups or organisations solve or should solve problems [30]. Decision theory posits that a good decision 'is one that is based on logic, considers all available data and possible alternatives, and uses quantitative methods and decision models' [31]. ...

... Firstly, a hypothesised model has been developed based on the construction procurement literature [19,24], and on the theoretical concepts of IIT [25] and decision-making [31] to explain that if construction clients deem H&S objectives as an important or priority project objective, they will consider H&S issues in an adequate manner when making decisions within the procurement process, and this will ultimately impact on the project H&S implementation. Basically, the IIT suggests that an individu-al's attitude is largely shaped by information that is valuable and important to them. ...

This study explored the impact of considering health and safety (H&S) in the construction procurement process based on the extent of H&S implementation on projects. Underpinned by information integration and rational decision-making theories, the study evaluated how the integration of H&S objectives into the overall project objectives, and the subsequent consideration of H&S matters in procurement decisions, influence H&S implementation on projects. Data were collected using questionnaire surveys from 287 respondents in Ghana who had direct involvement in the project procurement process. The survey explored the extent of H&S integration into the procurement process and its subsequent impact on H&S implementation. Path analysis was carried out to determine the causal relationships between the various procurement processes and H&S implementation. The results demonstrate that setting H&S objectives and integrating H&S into the planning stage decisions have a significant impact on the extent to which H&S matters are considered in the tendering and tender evaluation stages, as well as the H&S provisions in conditions of contracts. It also showed that adequate H&S consideration in these procurement stages subsequently influences H&S consideration in contract administration and monitoring and ultimately influences the extent of H&S implementation. These findings demonstrate the importance of integrating H&S in all aspects of construction procurement to promote H&S implementation on projects.

... Динамика цены акции в модели Хестона описывается системой стоха стических дифференциальных уравнений ( [51], [52]): Цена Амерканского пут-опциона является решением следующей крае вой задачи : Введя следующие замены переменных Например, рассмотрим случай с двумя акциями: [112], [113], [114]). ...

... Достаточно полное описание текущего состояния теории принятия решений и основных групп методов представлено в работах ( [112], [113], [115], [116] • выбор оптимального решения на основе правил принятия решений в условиях неопределенности и риска; ...

  • M. T. Bakoev M. T. Bakoev

Численное моделирование широко испольуется при решении финансовых и управленческих задач. Автор доводить строгое изложение рассматрываемых вопросов до эффективных вычислительных методов и алгоритмов. Особые внимание уделяется задачам, так или иначе связанным финансам и управлением. Их решения получается с помощью моделирования прцессов диффузии и марковской блужданий. Для специалистов в области теории вероятностей и математическая статистика, вычислительной математики и математической физики, управление финансами, рынок ценных бумаг, принятие управленческих решений, а также для экономистов, использующих в своей работе статистическое моделирование.

... The main idea of MC simulation is to perform an experiment by simulation with probabilistic components of system, whereby random numbers are being generated in order to assign values to the components of system (Render, Stair & Hanna, 2012). ...

The efficient market hypothesis states that stock prices are a reflection of information and rational expectations, and all new information about the issuer are almost immediately reflected in the current stock price. Stock prices should not be accurately predicted by looking at the historical prices. Stock prices could be described by statistical process called "random walk", i.e. single day's deviations from the central value are random and unpredictable. The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of Monte Carlo simulation model and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA) in predicting stock prices. Selected methods use different input data in predicting stock prices, including different time horizons; ARIMA model uses time series data to predict future prices, while Monte Carlo simulation uses random walk component. We compare daily predictions of stock prices estimated by both methods for five companies from Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index. Predictions have been generated for one month period, from 10th March 2016 until 10th April 2016. For the purpose of evaluation of prediction models we use Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) methods. We came to the conclusion that there is a slight advantage in accuracy of predictions of ARIMA model for shorter periods (5 days), while Monte Carlo simulation has undoubted advantage for longer periods (21 days). Also, we noticed linkages between single stock's predictions for periods of 5, 10 and 15 days for both models. Our results show that in shorter periods stock prices have elements of predictability, what questions the level of efficiency of the world leading stock exchange. In longer periods (21 days) results indicate market efficiency, i.e. model with random walk component (Monte Carlo simulation) has advantage compared to the model based on historical prices (ARIMA). Hipotezom o efikasnosti tržišta tvrdi se da su cijene dionica odraz informacija i racionalnih očekivanja, te da se sve nove informacije o emitentu gotovo odmah bivaju uključene u trenutnu cijenu dionice. Cijene dionica se ne bi trebale moći precizno predvidjeti na bazi historijskih cijena. Drugim riječima, cijene dionica se mogu opisati putem statističkog procesa nazvanog "slučajni hod", tj. pojedinačna dnevna odstupanja od srednje vrijednosti su slučajna i nepredvidiva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je testiranje efektivnosti Monte Carlo simulacije i ARIMA modela u predviđanju cijena dionica. Odabrane metode koriste različite ulazne podatke u predviđanju cijena dionica, uključujući različite vremenske intervale; ARIMA model koristi vremensku seriju podataka u predviđanju budućih cijena, dok Monte Carlo simulacija koristi element slučajnog hoda. Mi poredimo dnevna predviđanja cijena dionica procijenjena na bazi obje metode za pet dionica iz indeksa Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Predviđanja su generirana za jednomjesečni period, od 10. marta 2016. do 10. aprila 2016. godine. U svrhu procjene koji model predviđanja daje bolje rezultate koristimo metode Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE), Mean Square Error (MSE) i Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Došli smo do zaključka da je blaga prednost u tačnosti predviđanja na strani ARIMA modela za kraće periode (5 dana), dok Monte Carlo simulacija ima nedvojbenu prednost kada se radi o dužim periodima predviđanja (21 dan). Također, uočili smo povezanost između predviđanja za pojedinačne dionice za periode od 5, 10 i 15 dana kod oba modela. Naši rezultati pokazuju da cijene dionica imaju elemente predvidivosti u kraćim periodima, što dovodi u pitanje nivo efikasnosti vodeće berze u svijetu. U dužim periodima (21 dan) rezultati upućuju na tržišnu efikasnost, tj. model s komponentom slučajnog hoda (Monte Carlo simulacija) ima prednost u odnosu na model baziran na historijskim cijenama (ARIMA).

... Di mana dibutuhkan dataset bertahun-tahun yang lampau untuk dapat mengenali pola penjualan atau produksi di perusahan. Beberapa teknik untuk peramalan, yaitu: regresi linear sederhana atau berganda, neural network, dan berbasis ratarata (moving average) [3]. ...

  • Nur Nafi'iyah

Berbagai macam tempat wisata yang ada di Jakarta menjadi tujuan berlibur atau bermain, mulai dari wisata alam, mall, bioskop, taman hiburan, atau musium. Setiap individu mempunyai aktivitas dan rutinitas bermacam-macam, sehingga membutuhkan hiburan dan waktu untuk melepaskan kejenuhan. Dari website didapatkan dataset kunjungan wisata musium baik dari wisatawan Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia. Dari dataset tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk diolah dan digali informasinya. Menggali dan mengolah dataset adalah suatu kegiatan data mining, yaitu menerapkan suatu algoritma untuk menggali pengetahuan. Algoritma SVM digunakan untuk memprediksi kunjungan wisata musium di Jakarta, di mana terdapat variabel tempat destinasi, bulan, jenis pengunjung dan jumlah pengunjung. Tempat destinasi ada 10 jenis wisata, dan jenis pengunjung ada 2, yaitu wisatawan dalam negeri dan luar negeri. Di mana hasil prediksi dari SVM pada data 222 baris pengunjung wisata musium di Jakarta jelek. Dibuktikan dari nilai selisih data nyata dengan hasil prediksi sangat tinggi, dan nilai errornya sangat tinggi 2838303,5.

... Many introductory textbooks for management science (Eppen et al. 1993, Hillier and Hillier 2003, Anderson et al. 2019, Taylor 2019, operations research (Winston 1994), and quantitative methods (Balakrishnan et al. 2007, Render et al. 2009) provide the same traditional linear programming (LP) formulation for minimizing total crashing cost subject to a completion time constraint under the assumption that the time-cost tradeoff is a continuous linear function. This formulation has two sets of decision variables. ...

  • Collin Huse
  • Michael J. Brusco

Problems associated with time–cost trade-offs in project networks, which are commonly referred to as crashing problems, date back nearly 60 years. Many prominent management science textbooks provide a traditional linear programming (LP) formulation for a classic project crashing problem, in which the time–cost trade-off for each activity is continuous (and linear) over a range of possible completion times. We have found that, for students who are being introduced to time–cost trade-offs and the principles of project crashing, an alternative LP formulation facilitates a greater conceptual understanding. Moreover, the alternative formulation uses only half of the decision variables in the traditional formulation and has fewer constraints for many problems encountered in management science textbooks. Results from an MBA section of operations management suggest that students prefer the alternative formulation. Additionally, we have developed an Excel workbook that generates all possible paths for a network, allows students to manually evaluate crashing decisions, and generates the alternative LP formulation. We demonstrate the workbook using a small synthetic example and a larger, real-world network from the literature. We also show that the alternative formulation can be adapted easily to accommodate discrete project crashing problems for which the time–cost trade-offs for activities are not necessarily linear.

... Queirós, Faria, and Almeida (2017) highlight this approach also enables exploring the robustness and reliability of the obtained findings. Furthermore, Render, Stair, Hanna, and Hale (2014) advise that research questions should be objective and easily quantifiable. ...

  • Fernando Almeida Fernando Almeida
  • Nelson Amoedo

This study aims to explore the level of sustainable development in the European Union and examines the relationship that may exist between the sustainability index and the population of its member states, the GDP per capita, and the investments made in R&D. Furthermore, it aims to explore the role of the geographical region as a determining factor in the performance of these countries in each sustainability dimension. The research methodology employs a quantitative approach supported by the adoption of simple and multiple linear regression, cluster analysis, and variance analysis (ANOVA). The findings reveal that R&D expenditure is mainly a determining factor in a country's sustainable performance. Moreover, it has been possible to identify several asymmetries, with geographical region emerging as a determining factor in the performance of European Union countries in 11 of the 17 dimensions of sustainability. This work offers both theoretical and practical contributions. From the theoretical perspective, it explores the relationship between sustainability and investments in R&D, GDP per capita, and population. From a practical point of view, it offers relevant information to be used by European Union countries to establish supportive policies to enhance the sustainability of economic growth. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the current state of sustainable development in the European Union (EU). The aim is to assess the relevance of multiple dimensions such as population, GDP per capita, and R&D investments in the sustainable development performance of the EU member countries.

... Hurwicz criteria (Hurwicz, 1951;Render et al., 2009, Stigler 1986), may be possible. While none of these criteria require knowledge of uncontrolled event probabilities for application, the first two represent polar extremes in terms of optimism and pessimism while the latter two require information similar to probabilities in order to be applied. ...

  • M. J. Alhabeeb

The objective of this paper is to revisit the concepts of diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk, expound the portfolio risk in two ways: mathematically first, and with practical examples, second It also explains lending and borrowing at the risk-free rate of return, in addition to juxtaposing the diversification method to measure the unsystematic risk against utilizing Beta to measure the systematic risk. Furthermore, it briefly examines the mathematical simulation and sensitivity analysis, and mathematically delineates the technique for choices under risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty. The practical implication of this conceptual paper is to offer a further clarification of theoretical terms, especially those which might be interchangeable in financial and economic literature, and further show, by examples, the terms' applicability.

... The two main measures for evaluating the performance were the average cost per unit time and the average total discounted cost. The latter requires the determination of the specific value for the discount factor [4]. ...

Modern industrial projects face many challenges in order to sustain their productivity in a capital effective manner. Operational costs and production lines maintenance policy is on the top factors that play critical roles in that challenge. Linear programming is utilized in this paper to examine the possible minimization of the operational cost and determine an effective optimal maintenance policy for middle-sized furniture manufacturing plant in Baghdad city, taking under consideration all alternatives, non-sensitivity, and solidness. A mixture of Markov decision processes and linear programming analysis is implemented for the actual site and operational data to help decision-makers in planning for their project`s mid and long term maintenance policy and performing Solidness and, as result, the tentative cost reduction scheme. 1. Introduction The performance, productivity, and maintenance are considered among the main concerns of the manufacturers that may assure their success in satisfying the goods market. Markove decision processes MDP were widely considered by many decision-makers and researchers as a powerful tool in order to enhance these concerns for random processes that might be formulated as discrete of Markov series ,[1-3]. The two main measures for evaluating the performance were the average cost per unit time and the average total discounted cost. The latter requires the determination of the specific value for the discount factor [4]. The problem of the current paper is to examine the hypothesis that the optimization test through the solution enhancement algorithm or the optimization policy in which all alternates are taken into consideration would result in a more effective method rather than MDP for the determination of optimal policies. The linear programming method by the reduced cost standard would be utilized in order to process that algorithm.

... Este procedimiento es dividido en tres grupos: métodos cualitativos, análisis intuitivo (series de tiempo) y en modelos causales(Chapman, 2006). Los más usados para situaciones de administración de operación son los primeros dos: cualitativos e intuitivos (series de tiempo), mientras que el último grupo es más caro en su implantación y no ofrece buena precisión para problemas de predicción a corto plazo.Para el caso de la madera aserrada se puede usar el procedimiento cuantitativo de suavizado exponencial, ya que las características que lo distinguen son: mayor peso (valor) a los periodos más recientes y menor a los periodos anteriores, decrece de manera exponencial, y su crecimiento es de forma no lineal(Render et al., 2012).Para generar el pronóstico nuevo o actualizado se requieren dos aspectos: la demanda real para el periodo más reciente y el pronóstico más reciente. Cuando termina un lapso de tiempo se realiza un nuevo pronóstico mediante la ecuación:Ft= ∝Dt-1+(1-∝) Ft-1 Donde: Ft: Pronóstico para el periodo siguiente Ft-1: Pronóstico para el periodo anterior : Coeficiente de suavización (0    1) Dt-1: Valor real para el periodo anteriorSe selecciona el valor de  con base en los siguientes criterios: un elevado coeficiente de suavización, de 0.7 a 0.9, es más adecuado para nuevos productos o para casos en los que la demanda subyacente está en proceso de cambio (inestable o dinámica); cuando la demanda es muy estable se opta por valores de 0.1 a 0.3 y cuando la demanda es ligeramente inestable se emplea de 0.4 a 0.6. ...

  • Andrés Flores Andrés Flores
  • Miguel Ángel Pérez Torres
  • Leonardo Sánchez Rojas

RESUMEN En México es necesario optimizar la eficiencia de transformación de la industria de aserrío para que empresas de bajo aprovechamiento en sus capacidades instaladas, mejoren y alcancen los retos de competitividad internacional. Sin embargo, presentan ineficiencias durante la elaboración de madera aserrada, e inconstancia y escasez en el abastecimiento de trocería de calidad. Lo cual lleva al incremento directo del costo de fabricación. El proceso de manufacturación debe ser optimizado a través de un sistema de análisis continuo para que sea efectivo. Por ello, a través de una revisión bibliográfica en este trabajo se generó un sistema de planeación para mejorar el rendimiento de la producción de madera aserrada a partir de la organización y el control. Se consideraron como factores el mercado del producto, maquinaria, materia prima, mano de obra, tecnología del producto, costos y beneficios. En cada uno de estos se hizo el análisis y descripción con base en la forma en cómo intervenían en la producción. Los resultados del trabajo indicaron que durante la administración de un aserradero deben realizarse: Estudios sobre la demanda del producto, determinación de la capacidad instalada y de producción de la maquinaría, clasificación y registro de la trocería y madera aserrada, capacitación de la mano de obra, uso de diagramas de corte, definición de dimensiones óptimas de asierre, e implantación de un sistema de costos. El sistema de planeación desarrollado permite incrementar la producción de madera aserrada, a través de la organización y el control de los factores que intervienen en su proceso; asimismo, ayuda a aumentar el almacenamiento de carbono con la mayor producción de madera aserrada que se puede lograr. ABSTRACT In México it is necessary to optimize the efficiency of transformation by the sawmill industry of firms with low achievement in their installed capacity in order to improve and reach challenges of international competitiveness. However, they have inefficiencies in lumber processing, and inconsistencies and shortage in their supply of quality logs, which directly increases production costs. In order to be effective, the manufacturing process must be optimized through a system of continuous analysis. Therefore, through a literature review in this work, a planning system was generated to improve the performance of lumber production through organization and control. In

... The Integer Programming Model is a model that has objective boundaries and identical functions with linear programming. The differentiating factor lies only in one or more decision variables which must be round or integer 10) . ...

  • Nurhadi Prasetyo
  • Muslim Efendi Harahap

Kegiatan produksi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai tidak dapat dilaksanakan tanpa peran vital dari armada kapal pemasok lepas pantai (Offshore Supply Vessels) sebagai penggerak kegiatan logistik. Operasi armada kapal ini merupakan salah satu komponen biaya terbesar dalam kegiatan produksi minyak dan gas lepas pantai, setiap usaha untuk meminimalisasi biaya operasi armada akan memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap total biaya operasional perusahaan. Dalam tesis ini dilakukan proses optimasi terhadap armada kapal pemasok lepas pantai perusahaan CNOOC SES Ltd. Metode yang digunakan adalah integer programming dengan terlebih dahulu memformulasikan model matematis dari operasi armada kapal. Nilai variabel-variabel keputusan dari model matematis armada diperoleh dengan bantuan perangkat lunak optimasi Lingo 8.0. Proses optimasi menghasilkan pengurangan biaya operasi harian sebesar 3.12% atau setara dengan US$ 3.495.

... Each stage of dynamic programming is sequentially linked to the previous stages. A dynamic programming (DP) is a quantitative analysis technique applied extensively to solve the problems that require sequential decisions (Render & Stair, 2000& Lieberman & Hillier, 2001. The application of DP is based on the principle of optimality that formed by Richard Bellman, as follows: ...

... So, knowing which KPIs influence the container throughput at the five major container ports of Myanmar is important for the MPA and stakeholders of port industry. Regression analysis is a very valuable which can be used to model such things as the relationship between dependent variable and independent variable [9]. Therefore, the objective of the study undertaken from this paper is to help the MPA and its stakeholders to investigate whether there is any relationship between total container throughput (TEU per year) and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) so as to determine which predictors, among all our selected predictors can be used to determine total container throughput per year. ...

  • Wai Phyo Paing
  • Jaruwit Prabnasak

Container ports are playing a pivotal role in facilitating global logistics and supply chains. Therefore, their performance and overall competitiveness must be improved in order to retain shipping lines and shippers. This study aims to analyze the relationship between container throughput (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per year) and other important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This analysis can help the Myanma Port Authority (MPA) and container port operators in the country to identify which KPIs are essential for monitoring and improving their performance. The Data used in this study was collected from five major Myanmar container ports under the authority of the MPA for the period 2010-2015. This study employed a quantitative analysis method by applying a regression modelling technique. As a result, it is concluded that container throughput is influenced only by some KPIs namely total berth length and the total numbers of ship calls per year.

... The decision-making process involves selecting the optimal decision from a range of alternatives (possible decisions) to achieve a specific objective for the farm (9), and that many of the problems in the business management of the farm can be formed in the form of mathematical programming. On this basis, the problem in mathematical programming is to find optimal values for the objective function with a set of constraints, and that all these relations can be described mathematically (11), nonlinear programming (16), which emerged in 1952 represents a set of mathematical methods that can be used to find a set of optimal solutions to problems that contain nonlinear relationships for the objective function as well as constraints (12). ...

  • Ridhab Shakir Nassr Ridhab Shakir Nassr

The objectives of this research are to determine the optimal agricultural plane to achieve the optimum crop combination that maximizes the profits and the total and net agricultural income of the Al-Rasheed / Hamorabi Farm in Baghdad using L.P technique to reach the production volume that maximizes profit to choose the best plan and to increase the efficiency of the use of available resources at the farm level, to optimize the utilization of natural water resources and to protect them from the risk of attrition and to promote their use by deriving mathematical models for use in water needs assessment, including the application of an agricultural rotation to maintain soil fertility. The research has reached a number of conclusions, perhaps the most important is that the optimal solution using the linear programming method shows us the difference in the optimum crop combination of the actual crop structure of the agricultural crops and their areas. The farm has achieved a much higher income than the resulting income of the actual farm plan, as explained by the resource-based model, the LHS of the model, is less than the available resources that represent the RHS, which means that optimal plans have used fewer resources and given higher net income. From the conclusions reached, we can make a number of recommendations. The most important of these is the implementation of the linear programming technique to determine the extent to which the available resources are invested efficiently, which helps to increase the production in order to achieve the economic efficiency of the farmers and the need to generalize and apply this method in associations with similar environments to determine the optimal use of different productive resources.

... The sample in this study was the financial statements of the provincial governments in fiscal years 2016-2018 based on a consideration that the data used could present up-to-date information so as to provide an overview of the current condition of the provincial governments in Indonesia. The sample was selected using a purposive sampling technique, namely a sampling technique based on certain considerations determined by the researcher so as to obtain a sample which represents the population under study [35]. The considerations or criteria used in selecting the sample of this research are (1) Financial Reports of Provincial Governments in Indonesia in fiscal years 2016-2018 which had been audited by the Audit Board of Indonesia, (2) The financial statements were given either WTP or WDP based on the results of the audit by the BPK, (3) The financial statements provided comprehendsive data for the period 2016-2018 that were needed for the research process, for examples non-financial data such as the number of regional working units. ...

  • Johan Arifin

Using Stewardship theory, this study examines the factors that influence the level of mandatory disclosure within financial statements of provincial governments in Indonesia, including size of government, regional wealth, number of Regional Working Units (SKPD), administrative age of government and audit findings. By applying the purposive sampling method, this study uses a sample of financial statements from 27 provinces in Indonesia during 2016 to 2018, therefore the total sample is 81 financial statements. The findings reveal that there is a moderate level of compliance with key mandatory disclosures (61,33%). In addition, the regression analysis shows that from the five potential predictor variables, regional wealth is the only predictor that is significantly positive towards the level of mandatory disclosure within financial statements of Indonesian provincial governments. Given overall non-compliance rate of over 38% there is a clear need for the Indonesian government especially the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) to better enforce provincial government's compliance combined with important financial reforms and regulations.

... Ada tiga klasifikasi metode peramalan secara umum yakni metode kualitatif, time series dan kausal (Render, Stair Jr, & Hanna, 2012). Metode peramalan time series dibagi menjadi dua yaitu metode statistik dan machine learning (Makridakis, Spiliotis, & Assimakopoulos, 2018). ...

... The reality is that not all feed formulation problems are linear in nature. Other limitations of the LP method are reported in Munford (1996); Mitani and Nakayama (1997); Pesti and Seila (1999); Render et al. (2006). However, despite the limitations of LP it however, has obvious advantages over some other methods (Onwurah, 2005). ...

... In spite of the interest of many industrial companies in the country in directing the available economic resources towards them to maximize their profits, the use of these resources at the company level is not carried out according to the concepts of production economics, which leads to variations in actual and possible production at the level of the production unit. The scientific planning for productive operations requires constant searching for optimal solutions to the technical, production and organizational problems faced by various companies (12).Production studies have shown that the problem of production planning integrates with the problem of determining the optimal production volume that meets the demand and at the same time achieves optimal exploitation of available resources as those in charge of planning production face several alternatives during preparation of the production plan, and the problem becomes more profound if the company deals with a mix of products, which requires the use of scientific methods that are more capable of expressing the treatment of these problems, and since these methods represent a practical tool that the company can benefit from in planning its production, the formulation of production plans must be in accordance with accurate scientific methods that are subject to change and respond to the developments emergent from the scientific reality to achieve economic efficiency (which means obtaining more production with the same quantity of available resources or obtaining the same quantity of production but with less quantity of resources) (9) to exploit the locally produced and imported resources, requires following planning methods based on scientific foundations as the policy optimizing the available economic resources and redistributing them secures ensure avoiding waste and lose , and this process should represent the forefront of the efforts of the planners as an economic problem that requires to be studied and taken care of. The vegetable oil industry is one of the important industries in the country which is related to providing vegetable oil to individuals, as well It is considered one of the pillars of the national economy as it plays an important role in the process of economic development, which depends on it the development of other sectors because it has many front and back links with the agricultural sector on the one hand and many companies and industrial plants on the other hand where the activity of the vegetable oil industry aims to produce and provide a number of commodities directly related to the needs of different individuals by converting agricultural raw materials from one of their forms to another picture that is more valid and easier to use. ...

  • Al-Eqabi Al-Nassr
  • Ridhab Shakir Nassr Ridhab Shakir Nassr

The objectives of the research are to determine the optimal allocation of resources available to the general company for food products using a linear programming(LP) technique to obtain high levels of production and high levels of profits by maximizing the value of the objective function and increasing the profitability of the company, and conducting a sensitivity analysis to see the extent of changes in the optimum commodity composition in terms of quality and quantity with the level of profits in a manner commensurate with the requirements of growth in the company , the study based on the use of (LP)technique to determine the optimum production plan with the highest net income for the products under study for vegetable oil factories as well as using sensitivity analysis by using the statistical program (Win QSB) .The research showed a number of results, perhaps the most important: proof of the hypothesis of achieving high levels of production and profits as well as the optimal allocation of available resources, as the quantity of production increased from 472 tons in the actual production plan to 974 tons in the derived plan , achieving a jump estimated at 106. 4%, and the results of the optimal solution using the (LP)technique showed that the value of net income at current prices has reached 348739500 dinars, an increase of 184.6% over the net income actually achieved at current prices of 122528565 dinars for the year 2018. The research had reached a number of conclusions, perhaps the most important is the matching of the research results to the research hypothesis as well as the optimal solution using the LP technique had showed the difference in the optimum commodity composition and its quantities from the actual commodity composition of the products , the research provides a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the application of a linear programming technique to know the extent of investing available resources in a way efficiency, which helps to increase production in order to achieve economic efficiency and the need to generalize it to production units with similar conditions in order to determine the optimal use of the various production resources.

... Therefore, for research of this nature that had explanatory objectives rather than forecasting, regression analysis was highly suitable because it addressed the problem of establishing the predictive relationship between variables that meaningfully contribute towards the formulation of management guidelines and decision making (Render, Stair, Hanna & Hale, 2015). The study did not employ the more complex and recently developed technique of Structural Equation Modelling, as this generally required larger sample sizes that would not be feasible within the limits of this study. ...

  • Willem Jan Roestenburg Willem Jan Roestenburg

This thesis investigates the Technology readiness and acceptance of social workers in the South African context by means of the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance (UTAUT). Some very interesting trends have been observed and are discussed in the Thesis

... A plane starts the route in Atlanta, to Los Angeles, then to Houston, to New Orleans, and returns to Atlanta where the route repeats again. Reference [26] shows the flight rotation and the average fuel cost in various places in the United States as presented in Fig. 4. Reference [27] shows the input data include the aircraft flight rotation schedule, regular fuel consumption by flight leg, fuel prices at different airports, availability and restrictions by vendor, the maximum and minimum fuel weight limits for take-off and the maximum fuel weights for landing, this information is provided in Tab. 2. For more than the minimum amount of fuel the fuel consumption is increased due to excess fuel consumption. The top management at Los Angeles airport found that the purchased amount of fuel is very little, they decided to try increasing their market share by price discounting. ...

Commercial airline companies are continuously seeking to implement strategies for minimizing costs of fuel for their flight routes as acquiring jet fuel represents a significant part of operating and managing expenses for airline activities. A nonlinear mixed binary mathematical programming model for the airline fuel task is presented to minimize the total cost of refueling in an entire flight route problem. The model is enhanced to include possible discounts in fuel prices, which are performed by adding dummy variables and some restrictive constraints, or by fitting a suitable distribution function that relates prices to purchased quantities. The obtained fuel plan explains exactly the amounts of fuel in gallons to be purchased from each airport considering tankering strategy while minimizing the pertinent cost of the whole flight route. The relation between the amount of extra burnt fuel taken through tinkering strategy and the total flight time is also considered. A case study is introduced for a certain flight rotation in domestic US air transport route. The mathematical model including stepped discounted fuel prices is formulated. The problem has a stochastic nature as the total flight time is a random variable, the stochastic nature of the problem is realistic and more appropriate than the deterministic case. The stochastic style of the problem is simulated by introducing a suitable probability distribution for the flight time duration and generating enough number of runs to mimic the probabilistic real situation. Many similar real application problems are modelled as nonlinear mixed binary ones that are difficult to handle by exact methods. Therefore, metaheuristic approaches are widely used in treating such different optimization tasks. In this paper, a gaining sharing knowledge-based procedure is used to handle the mathematical model. The algorithm basically based on the process of gaining and sharing knowledge throughout the human lifetime

... Hurwicz criteria (Hurwicz, 1951;Render et al., 2009, Stigler 1986), may be possible. While none of these criteria require knowledge of uncontrolled event probabilities for application, the first two represent polar extremes in terms of optimism and pessimism while the latter two require information similar to probabilities in order to be applied. ...

  • M. J. Alhabeeb

The objective of this paper is to revisit the concepts of diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk, expound the portfolio risk in two ways: mathematically first, and with practical examples, second It also explains lending and borrowing at the risk-free rate of return, in addition to juxtaposing the diversification method to measure the unsystematic risk against utilizing Beta to measure the systematic risk. Furthermore, it briefly examines the mathematical simulation and sensitivity analysis, and mathematically delineates the technique for choices under risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty. The practical implication of this conceptual paper is to offer a further clarification of theoretical terms, especially those which might be interchangeable in financial and economic literature, and further show, by examples, the terms' applicability.

... A knapsack can only hold a certain weight or volume that can accommodate different types of items but with limitation in total volume, weights, or both. The question is to decide the number of each item to pick-up so that to minimize the total cost or to maximize the total profit [7]. In the Integer type KP, items can have arbitrary integer values, whereas the 0e1 KP limits the number of each type to 0 or 1. ...

The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal for scheduling shuttle ambulance vehicles (SSAV) assigned to COVID-19 patients using one of the discrete optimization techniques, namely, the multi-objective multiple 0-1 knapsack problem. The scheduling aims at achieving the best utilization of the predetermined planning time slot, the best utilization is evaluated by maximizing the number of evacuated people who might be infected with the virus to the isolation hospital and maximizing the effectiveness of prioritizing the patients relative to their health status. The complete mathematical model for the problem is formulated including the representation of the decision variables, the problem constraints and the multi-objective functions. The proposed multi-objective multiple knapsack model is applied to an illustrated case study in Cairo, Egypt, the case study aims at improving the scheduling of ambulance vehicles in the back and forth shuttle movements between patient' locations and the isolation hospital. The case study is solved using a novel Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm (DBGSK). The detail procedure of the novel DBGSK is presented along with the complete steps for solving the case study.

This chapter starts with an introductory case study from the aerospace industry. First, the interrelations between business processes, quantitative models, and information systems are discussed. Next, the role of business process management in operations and supply chains is considered. Subsequently, the effects of management information systems in supply chain and operations management are analyzed. In particular, ERP, APS, WMS as well as RFID technologies are considered. Second, the terms "planning," "problem," and "decision" are clarified. The role of models and modeling in decision-making is discussed. Furthermore, this chapter analyzes the crucial role of uncertainty, resilience, and risk management in decision-making. Finally, quantitative methods of decision-making are presented and discussed with regard to their applicability to supply chain and operations management. Particular attention is paid to data analytics.

  • Ridhab Shakir Nassr Ridhab Shakir Nassr

Despite the attention of many industrial companies in the country to guide the economic resources available to them to maximize profits, the use of these resources is not taken in accordance with the concepts of economic production, leading to variations in the actual production and the possible unit-level productivity. To try the advancement of the General Company of Cotton products, being a company which does not apply the concepts of economic production and not taken the use of economic resources used optimally, leading to variations in the output of the actual and possible, it became necessary to try to optimal allocation of economic resources available to them using the method of linear programming in order to increase production volumes and achieve the highest level possible profits because of their positive effect in the various economic, social and development, which is one of the main goals of seeking to achieve the various sectors. The research aims to optimal allocation for available resources to the company using the technique of linear programming for the year 2010 for the high levels of production and high levels of profit-maximizing the value of the objective function and increase the profitability of the company depending on the data derived from the company and conduct sensitivity analysis to see how changes in the composition of commodity optimal quantity and quality and the level of profits and in a form that fits the requirements of growth in the company. research shows a number of results among the most important: to validate the hypothesis to high standards of production and profits and optimal allocation of available resources as it increased the amount of production from 1168750 units in the plan of actual production to 5184907.5 unit in the plan are derived using the linear programming method of recording an average increase of 77.5%.

  • Yudhi Yuliansyah
  • Henik Hari Astuti
  • Yvone Augustine

p> This study aims to determine the effect Idependent Commissioner, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Intellectual Capital on the variable value of the firm (PBV) in manufacturing companies during the period of the year from 2011 to 2015. The sample was selected by 34 companies manufacturing during 2011 to 2015. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis with Eviews version 9.0. The results showed that: Idependent Commissioner does not positive effect on the value of the firm(PBV), Corporate Social Responsibility does not positive effect on the value of the firm (PBV), and Intellectual Capital positive effect on the value of the firm (PBV). </p

  • Phanita Phakdi Phanita Phakdi

Having accurate information about the agricultural situation is very important. The predicting trends of agricultural product will allow to make right decision in economy nowadays. The aims of the paper are to demonstrate the trend in areca nut export in Thailand and import in India to specific period and to plan our strategy and policies accordingly to promote areca nut production and export. With this meaning, a study on areca nut export in Thailand and import and production in India from 2013 to 2020 was conducted. The result found that Exponential Growth Model is the most effective for forecasting in the export and import volume of areca nut. The data also was illustrated the trends in 5 years from 2021- 2025. The result revealed that the forecasting trend of export volume of areca nut in Thailand for 2021 – 2025 is linearly decreasing from 3.47610MTs in 2020 to 0.450858MTs in 2025. While, the forecasting trend of import volume of areca nut in India for 2021 – 2025 is linear increasing gradually, from35.5783 MTs in 2020 to 37.2886 MTs in 2025. Areca nut should be considered as an economics crop significantly of Thailand in future for export of Thailand because there are needs in the international market and price still be reasonable. Driving and implementing sustainable agriculture should focus on efficiency and effectiveness truly.

Effective supply chain management practices can enhance competitiveness along the supply chain. Fuel supply chain competitiveness requires a reliable flow of product and customer satisfaction. Competitiveness eluded the Zimbabwean petroleum industry over time and so this research looked at the impact of supply chain management practices on industry competitiveness. Owing to the complex nature of the petroleum industry's supply chain, the concurrent parallel mixed methods research design was adopted for its robustness and suitability for researching complex situations. In the qualitative research, in-depth interviews were held with six experienced and knowledgeable executives who were strategically positioned in the petroleum industry. In the quantitative research, data were collected through objective questionnaires from 57 managers who were in charge of supply chain practices in the participating petroleum companies. The research results revealed that the unfriendly business environment that was driven by the shortage of foreign currency, a restrictive tax regime, a weak regulatory system and the lack of stable government policy on fuel industry operations resulted in financial, procurement, inventory, logistics and communication challenges and the weakening of all the supply chain practices. Therefore, the resultant high cost of products, expensive and bureaucratic logistics, lack of investment in fuel distribution technology and poor customer service negatively impacted the petroleum industry's competitiveness. The study recommends the strengthening of the petroleum industry's supply chain management strategies, international benchmarking of industry processes, adopting international best practices and carrying out further research in the industry's supply chain areas like procurement and pricing models for landlocked states.

  • Abbas Nawar Al- Musawi Abbas Nawar Al- Musawi

It has become the environment and attention that it receive in order to keep them from the issues raised in the communities. The economic units are concerned with the effects of their various activities because of the large quantities of materials, energy and water they consume. These activities are a major source of carbon dioxide, waste and waste emissions, It requires disclosure of relevant information from several quarters and traditional accounting practices do not provide sufficient information for environmental management, Environmental management accounting has emerged to fill this gap. The problem of research in the neglect of investment management is the environmental dimension in investment decision making, which has become a cornerstone of sustainable development and rely only on financial information that 1 ‫مستل‬ ‫جزء‬ ‫البحث‬ .‫للباحثة‬ ‫الماجستير‬ ‫رسالة‬ ‫من‬

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وآله واصحابه ومن والاه اجمعين . تم انجاز اول كتاب للمؤلفين وهو ثمرة يانعة نأمل من الباري عز وجل ان تكون صالحة ومفيدة لجميع طلبة العلم والمستفيدين منه. اذ يعتبر هذا الكتاب باكورة البرمجة الخطية Linear Programming التــي تمثل الركيزة الاســاسيــة لموضـوع بحـــوث العمليـات Operation Research والذي يدخل استخدامه في مختلف الفعاليات والنشاطات الاقتصادية للمنشأت الانتاجية والخدمية على حد سواء وخاصة فيما يتعلق بمشكلات الانتاج والتوزيع والخزين والنقل وغيرها من المشكلات التي يتطلب حلها اتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات الادارية الحاسمة من قبل متخذي القرار وذلك بأعتماد الاسس العلمية والبرامج الجاهزة بعيدا عن مبدأ الحدس والتخمين . لقد أستند هذا الكتاب على استخدام الامثلة الواقعية في معظم فصوله وخاصة الفصل السادس منه , وكذلك تم أعتماد مبدأ كتابة الامثلة والتمارين باللغتين العربية والانكليزية واستخدام المصطلحات العلمية اينما تطلب ذلك ليتم تسهيل المادة وتبسيطها عند قراءة الطالب للمصادر الاجنبية مستقبلا ، اضافة لكتابة مجموعة من التمارين في نهاية كل فصل لكي تكتمل الصورة لدى الطالب بصورة كاملة. الكتاب يتضمن ستة فصول حيث تناول الفصل الاول مفهوم وبناء وصيغ نماذج البرمجة الخطية بشكل واضح ومبسط مع اعطاء أمثلة توضيحية لكل صيغة ، واحتوى الفصل في نهايته على اسئلة وتمارين عامة , في حين تناول الفصل الثاني كيفية الحل والطرق المستخدمة في حل النماذج ومنها الطريقة البيانية والطريقة الجبرية وطريقة السمبلكس في حالة كون دالة الهدف من نوع تعظيم (عظمى ) ، وطريقتين هما (آم) الكبرى وطريقة ذات المرحلتين عندما تكون دالة الهدف من نوع تقليل ( صغرى ) ، وكذلك تضمن الفصل في نهايته على اسئلة وتمارين عامة , وتناول الفصل الثالث الثنائية في البرمجة الخطية من ناحية المفهوم وكيفية تحويل النموذج اذا كان النموذج في الحالتين القانونية والقياسية , فيما تطرق الفصل الرابع الى تحليل الحساسية وحل ما بعد الامثلية ، اذ تناول جميع الحالات التي تتغير فيها مكونات نموذج البرمجة الخطية وهي ( التغيرات في الطرف الايمن ، التغيرات في معاملات دالة الهدف ، التغيرات في متغيرات القرار في القيود ، اضافة متغير او متغيرات جديدة ، وأخيرا اضافة قيد او قيود جديدة ) وتضمن ايضا اسئلة وتمارين عامة . في حين تناول الفصل الخامس نماذج النقل ومشاكل التخصيص والتي كثيرا ما يستفاد منها الباحثين ، اذ بدأ الفصل بكيفية موازنة نموذج النقل ثم كيفية الحصول على الحل الاولي الابتدائي المقبول بأستخدام ثلاثة طرق هي الركن الشمالي الغربي ، طريقة اقل كلفة ، وطريقة فوجل ، بعد ذلك انتقلنا للحصول على الحل الامثل لنماذج النقل باستخدام طريقتين هما المسار المتعرج وطريقة عوامل الضرب ثم تناول الفصل مشكلة التخصيص والطرق المستخدمة في حل مشاكل التخصيص وتضمن ايضا اسئلة وتمارين عامة . فيما تناول الفصل السادس مادة تعرض لاول مرة في كتب البرمجة الخطية وهي تخطيط جداول الانتاج الاجمالي الاول والثاتي مع اعطاء تعريف واضح للمتغيرات والثوابت في النموذج ، وتم التطرق ايضا الى نماذج تجزئة التخطيط الاجمالي ، وهي نموذج جداول الانتاج لغرض الخزين ونموذج الانتاج لغرض الطلب . نرجوا من الباري عز وجل ان يكون عملنا هذا جهد متواضعا لكي يستفيد منه الجميع لذا نرجو من الاخوة الباحثين والتدريسيين ابداء ملاحظاتهم وتوجيهاتهم التي يمكن تجاوزها مستقبلآ . . . ومن الله التوفيق

نظرا للصعوبة والدور الكبير الذي تؤدية عملية الوصول الى الحل الامثل في معالجة انظمة المنشأت او المعامل او المؤسسات الحكومية , عبر اتخاذ القرار المناسب او البديل الامثل من بين مجموعة البدائل او القرارات العلمية المتاحة بأستخدام مختلف العلوم الاقتصادية والادارية والاحصائية . اذ يعتبر هذا الكتاب باكورة بحـــوث العمليـات Operation Research والذي يدخل استخدامه في مختلف الفعاليات والنشاطات الاقتصادية للمنشأت الانتاجية والخدمية على حد سواء وخاصة فيما يتعلق بمشكلات الانتاج والتوزيع والخزين والنقل وغيرها من المشكلات التي يتطلب حلها اتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات الادارية الحاسمة من قبل متخذي القرار وذلك بأعتماد الاسس العلمية والبرامج الجاهزة بعيدا عن مبدأ الحدس والتخمين . لقد أستند هذا الكتاب على استخدام الامثلة الواقعية في معظم فصوله , وكذلك تم أعتماد مبدأ كتابة الامثلة والتمارين باللغتين العربية والانكليزية واستخدام المصطلحات العلمية اينما تطلب ذلك ليتم تسهيل المادة وتبسيطها عند قراءة الطالب للمصادر الاجنبية مستقبلا ، اضافة لكتابة مجموعة من التمارين في نهاية كل فصل لكي تكتمل الصورة لدى الطالب بصورة كاملة. الكتاب يتضمن تسعة فصول حيث تناول الفصل الاول مفهوم وبناء وصيغ نماذج البرمجة الخطية بشكل واضح ومبسط مع اعطاء أمثلة توضيحية لكل صيغة , في حين تناول الفصل الثاني كيفية الحل والطرق المستخدمة في حل النماذج ومنها الطريقة البيانية والطريقة الجبرية وطريقة السمبلكس في حالة كون دالة الهدف من نوع تعظيم (عظمى ) ، وطريقتين هما (آم) الكبرى وطريقة ذات المرحلتين عندما تكون دالة الهدف من نوع تقليل ( صغرى ) , وتناول الفصل الثالث الثنائية في البرمجة الخطية من ناحية المفهوم وكيفية تحويل النموذج اذا كان النموذج في الحالتين القانونية والقياسية وطريقة الحل للنموذج المقابل , فيما تطرق الفصل الرابع الى تحليل الحساسية وحل ما بعد الامثلية ، اذ تناول جميع الحالات التي تتغير فيها مكونات نموذج البرمجة الخطية وهي ( التغيرات في الطرف الايمن ، التغيرات في معاملات دالة الهدف ، التغيرات في متغيرات القرار في القيود ، اضافة متغير او متغيرات جديدة ، وأخيرا اضافة قيد او قيود جديدة ). في حين تناول الفصل الخامس نماذج النقل ومشاكل التخصيص والتي كثيرا ما يستفاد منها الباحثين ، اذ بدأ الفصل بكيفية موازنة نموذج النقل ثم كيفية الحصول على الحل الاولي الابتدائي المقبول بأستخدام ثلاثة طرق هي الركن الشمالي الغربي ، طريقة اقل كلفة ، وطريقة فوجل ، وطريقة روسيل , بعد ذلك انتقلنا للحصول على الحل الامثل لنماذج النقل باستخدام طريقتين هما المسار المتعرج وطريقة عوامل الضرب ثم تناول الفصل مشكلة التخصيص والطرق المستخدمة في حل مشاكل التخصيص. فيما تناول الفصل السادس تخطيط جداول الانتاج الاجمالي الاول والثاتي مع اعطاء تعريف واضح للمتغيرات والثوابت في النموذج ، وتم التطرق ايضا الى نماذج تجزئة التخطيط الاجمالي ، وهي نموذج جداول الانتاج لغرض الخزين ونموذج الانتاج لغرض الطلب .وتضمن الفصل السابع نظرية المباراة وتعريف وامثلة للمباريات المستقرة وغير المستقرة , واحدث الطرق لحل تلك المباريات .فيما تضمن الفصل الثامن تحليل الشبكات من خلال بناء الشبكات وتحليلها بأستخدام طريقتي المسار الحرج وطريقة بيرت وكذلك اعتبارات الكلفة في جدولة المشروع . وتناول الفصل التاسع والاخير البرمجة العددية مفهومها وانواع نماذج البرمجة العددية وطرق حلها. نرجوا من الباري عز وجل ان يكون عملنا هذا جهد متواضعا لكي يستفيد منه الجميع لذا نرجو من الاخوة الباحثين والتدريسيين ابداء ملاحظاتهم وتوجيهاتهم التي يمكن تجاوزها مستقبلآ . . . ومن الله التوفيق

  • Gaber Ahmed
  • Bassyouni Shehata
  • Gaber Bassyouni Gaber Bassyouni

Increasing the waste of agricultural crops in general and vegetable and fruit crops specially, consider one of the main problems which cause economic losses for Egyptian economy. The main objective of the research is estimating of the economic losses for the waste from the most important vegetable and fruit crops in Egypt. The research depends on two kinds of data, time serious data which collected from different sources local and foreign, and cross section data represent during using a random sample collected from AL-Behaira governorate. The problem of waste considers one of the most important problems that face the agricultural crops, which hinder the performance of the agricultural sector, and the crops of vegetables and fruits of the most important agricultural crops are damaged due to their physical nature and impact of natural factors compared to other crops, causing significant losses of agricultural production and Egyptian food security. The agricultural production waste causing significant losses in national agricultural income and agricultural exports. The losses also cause waste in agricultural resources, specially land, irrigation water and capital and its limited resources in Egyptian agriculture. The results showed that the average annual quantity of Egyptian potatoand orange wastes represented about 135.8% and about 55% of the average quantities of potato exported during the study period, which confirms the importance and necessity of reducing the quantity of waste in the important export potato crop, because if the conservation of this quantity of losses and re-evaluation at the prices of Egyptian exports of the potato and orange exported, the average value of this wastes are about $ 419.4 million and $ 118.75 million, respectively. The study showed that the economic losses represents a loss in the actual cultivated area of potato and orange crops a losses in potato and orange exports, a losses in farmers income, andlosses in irrigation water. In light of the results obtained from the research, it recommends the following: To reduce the production waste in potato and orange crops, attention should be paid to good pruning, pest control and fertilization. Exclude the damaged fruits when sorting so as not to damage others. Use of transport vehicles equipped to maintain goods.The speed of sorting goods by traders as soon as they reach the retail market.To improve the quality of the containers used and to be strong plastic for transporting and displaying the goods.

  • Aisyah Fitri
  • Istianah Muslim

Bunda Bakery merupakan bakery yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2017. Bunda Bakery memproduksi rotinya berdasarkan asumsi pemiliknya dan menyebabkan proses produksi yang tidak teratur. Sering terjadi overproduksi sehingga roti yang dihasilkan tidak layak untuk dijual. Hal ini juga mempengaruhi jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang tidak terkendali. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu dalam pengendalian pasokan bahan baku dengan menggunakan teknik perhitungan Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Implementasi MRP juga didukung dengan menggunakan metode peramalan Single Exponential Smoothing dan metode Lot Sizing Fixed Order Quantity. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap sistem informasi yang dibangun dengan menggunakan pengujian blackbox didapatkan bahwa 100% fungsionalitas sistem berjalan dengan baik. Pengujian penerimaan pengguna (UAT) yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Selanjutnya pengujian perbandingan akurasi metode menunjukkan bahwa hasil perhitungan yang ditampilkan pada sistem sudah akurat. Dan pengujian terakhir adalah uji usability, hasil pengujian menunjukkan rata-rata 89.95% pengguna sangat setuju dengan pembangunan sistem ini.

O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como o gestor pode aplicar a técnica do goal programming na formulação de alternativas de um plano operacional. Esta técnica requer um procedimento de solução iterativa, pela qual o tomador de decisão investiga uma variedade de soluções para encontrar a que seja mais satisfatória. Para tanto, por meio de um exemplo prático, demonstra-se a operacionalização dessa técnica, com a utilização do recurso "solver", disponível na planilha eletrônica Microsoft Excel. O modelo matemático do goal programming (programação por metas), por meio de simulações, permite que os gestores, durante o processo de planejamento ou de reestruturação da empresa, possam estar, continuamente, revendo suas prioridades e a própria hierarquia das metas/objetivos da empresa. Portanto, este trabalho visa contribuir para a maior utilização dos modelos matemáticos e estatísticos no cotidiano empresarial, buscando melhorar o processo de tomada de decisão. A utilização de modelos facilita a compreensão de estruturas e relações complexas, pois segrega os aspectos fundamentais relativos ao problema em foco.

Мазкур дарслик бошқарув кадрларни тайерлаш ва қайта тайерлаш, малака ошириш ташкилотлари тингловчилари, олий таълим муассасаларининг тегишли йўналишларининг магистрлари, илмий ходимлар, изланувчилар ҳамда раҳбар кадрларга мўлжалланган. «Тизимли тахлил ва бошқарув қарорлари қабул қилиш» фанида бошқарув тизимларини тахлил қилиш, бошқарув қарорлари, уларни ишлаб чиқиш ва амалга тадбиқ этиш асослари ўрганилади.

The challenging situations and disruptions that occurred due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic have created a severe need for supply chain resiliency (SCR). There has been a growing interest among researchers to investigate the resiliency in supply chain operations to overcome risks and disruptions and to achieve successful project management. The supply chain of every business requires innovative projects to accomplish competitive advantage in the market. This study was conducted to identify the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) for creating a sustainable and resilient supply chain, and also to provide optimum solutions for supply chain risk mitigation. A systematic literature review has been conducted to examine the potential research contribution or directions in the field of AI and SCR. In total, 162 articles were shortlisted from the SCOPUS database in the chosen field of research. Structural Topic Modeling (STM), a big data-based approach, was employed to generate several thematic topics of AI in SCR based on the shortlisted articles, and all topics were discussed. Furthermore, the bibliometric analysis was conducted using R-package to investigate the research trends in the area of AI in SCR. Based on the conducted review of literature, a research framework was proposed for AI in SCR that will facilitate researchers and practitioners to improve technological development in supply chain firms. The purpose is to combat sudden risks and disruptions so that project management will perform well Post COVID-19. The study will be also helpful for future researchers and practitioners to identify research directions based on existing literature covered in this paper in the field of SCR. Future research directions are proposed for AI-enabled resilient supply chain management. This study will also provide several implications for supply chain managers to achieve the required resilience in their supply chains post COVID-19 by focusing on the elements of the proposed research framework.

The open data movement has been gaining momentum in the Transportation industry in recent years, with multiple State Departments of Transportation (DOT) launching their own repository of datasets. These actions offer the potential to improve both transportation safety and mobility. That said, an examination of the quality of data, ease of use, and availability of metadata across agencies revealed a significant variation among them and presented a serious concern to realizing the full potential of these principled efforts. This study highlights the imminent need for agency support towards assessing data warehouse quality and in establishing an index to measure performance. The approach includes a data portal evaluation rubric (DPER) that captures the essence of the National Open Data Policy. Its metrics are devised from practices implemented across several agencies to ensure the effective use of open data. The proposed DPER was applied to 43 transportation-related open data portals at the state (39) and national level (4). The DPER examines the quality, the openness of data, and the relevance of published content to the Transportation industry. The evaluation found that the portal hosted by the state of New York scored the highest due to its user-friendly interface with interactive visualization tools, relevant data content, detailed information about the data, and the useful API (Application Program Interface) references for application developers. The absolute scramble by agencies to fight the life-impacting events of 2020 emphasizes both the need and urgency to provide standardized, accessible, and accurate data for a ubiquitous audience.

  • Gaber Bassyouni Gaber Bassyouni

The research aims mainly to study food security of edible oils in Egypt through studying of several sub-goals represented in: estimating models of general trends function for some economic indicators of edible oils in Egypt during the period (2001-2015), studying of the most important indicators of food security of edible oils, estimating the size of the food gap of edible oils and knowledge of the most important factors responsible for it, and studying the policies and tools to achieve food security of edible oils in Egypt. Descriptive and quantitative analysis were used. The study depends on secondary data, which collected from local and foreign sources during the period (2001-2015). A study models of the general trend function for economic indicators showed that each of the total domestic production of edible oils, domestic consumption, the average per capita consumption, the amount of edible oils imports, food gap of edible oils, the price of Egyptian imports of edible oils and periods of coverage of domestic production found that all of these variables has taken a general trend upward statistically significant at the level of probability (0.01) with the exception of a variable of coverage period of local production for daily consumption , capita consumption and food gap of edible oils which took a general trend upward statistically significant at 5% level, and also did not identify the statistical significance of the variables of self-sufficiency rate and the period of coverage of imports for daily consumption , while the annual growth rates differed according to each variable. The conduct study shows that the most important variables specific to the food gap of edible oils is annual average per capita consumption of edible oils which the impact of this variable on edible oils gap be positive. The study showed that the strategic stock for edible oils is estimated at 173 thousand tons and the average local consumption of edible oils is estimated at about 1.5 million tons during the study period (2001-2015), thus estimated food security of about 0.21 is therefore required to take various actions which lead to increase the size of the strategic stock of edible oils enough for half of it needs for domestic consumption even come close to the value of suitable coefficient of edible oils food security. The study showed that the policies and tools to achieve edible oils food security include horizontal agricultural development policy, vertical agricultural development policy, the policy of rationalizing the consumption of edible oils, policy of consumer subsidy of edible oils, and the policy of diversifying sources of imported edible oils. In the light of the results of the study illustrated by research it has been possible to reach some of the following recommendations: 1-Increasing of edible oils production through the expansion of oil crops which grow in the new land. 2-Increasing of edible oils productivity crops through dissemination of edible oils varieties of high productivity and to suit every center of administrative centers in Egypt. 3-Rationalizing the consumption of edible oils during dismiss the size of it. 4-To achieve food security has to be the need to develop awareness programs for the application of planning policy breeds where it is one of the most important determinants of the demand for Egyptian imports of edible oils. 5-It is important to put a national strategy to increase the self-sufficiency ratio of edible oils with the need to import and distribute the amounts of diversification between different sources in order to avoid what might happen from political pressure in favor of the Egyptian economy is in the case of international political conditions change. 6-It is necessary to study the reduction commitments of subsidy granted to the production and export in the edible oils-exporting countries in order to reduce the negative effects on the Egyptian saving.

  • Nopriadi Saputra Nopriadi Saputra

Pertanyaan lain yang juga sering ditanyakan mengenai tim adalah: "Apakah tim yang hebat itu terbentuk oleh orang-orang yang secara individual adalah hebat?" Dengan kata lain: "Apakah individu-individu yang hebat itu kalau dikumpulkan pasti akan menjadi tim yang hebat?" Pengalaman empirik di dunia kerja,ternyata tidak demikian. Justru sering sekali banyak individu-individu yang hebat justu gagal membentuk tim yang hebat dan efektif mencapai tujuan. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan secara grafis-analogis dengan mengkonstruksi sebuah wajah. Wajah tersebut disusun oleh komponen- komponen wajah yang terindah sedunia. Hidung yang terindah, mata yang terindah, bibir yang terindah, pipi yang terindah, alis yang terindah, dagu yang terindah, dahi yang terindah, dan daun tertelinga yang terindah sedunia; bila dikompilasi menjadi sebuah wajah. Ternyata menghasilkan wajah yang aneh. Mungkin wajah yang paling buruk sedunia. Fenomena ini sebenarnya memberi kabar baik bagi kita semua. Bahwasanya, untuk membentuk suatu tim yang hebat, tidak mutlak harus terdiri dari individu- individu yang hebat. Bisa jadi tim yang hebat itu justru terbentuk dari individu-individu yang biasa-biasa saja. Namun tim tersebut mendapatkan sentuhan team leadership yang tepat, sehingga menjadi tim yang hebat. Lalu mengapa individu yang terbaik dengan kinerja terbaik bila dikumpulkan tidak otomatis menjadi pemicu kinerja kelompok terbaik? Hal tersebut terjadi karena terdapat bias kelompok yang dikenal dengan istilah istilah group think dan group shift. Group think merupakan mekanisme yang terjadi di dalam kelompok yang sedemikian rupa sehingga partisipasi terbaik dari anggota-angota tim tidak disepakati menjadi komitmen tim. Salah satu contohnya adalah mekanisme voting dalam membuat keputusan kelompok. Dalam menghadapi permasalahan, anggota tim terbagi menjadi dua kelompok besar, yaitu: kelompok yang paham terhadap masalah dan kelompok yang awam terhadap masalah

  • Raditya Sukmana
  • Heri Kusworo

Islam promotes justice in every aspect of life including in banking and finance. Shariah has to be the foundation for any banking transactions to ensure that any single party is not being unfairly treated or exploited. Interest based bank is certainly create unfairness and exploitation. In any cases only single party which get a lot of benefit. Hence islamic banking industry need to be developed so that its market share will increase significantly until it can reach the domination of the national banking assets. This paper aims to forecast when such condition will occur. Adopting a popular forecasting tool such as double exponential smoothing, this study will inform us when islamic banking market share will reach 50% out of total banking asset. The monthly data examined starts from January 2004 to may 2011. We use a single time series data which is islamic banking market shares whereby it is calculated from the islamic banking asset divided by total banking asset. the structure of this paper is as follows: after the introduction which describe the history and performance of Indonesian islamic bank, it discusses about the data and method used in this paper. Next section is on the description and analysis on the result obtained. Lastly is the conclusion where it recommends some policies required from the obtained result in which the optimist scenario would say that the domination of Islamic banks may occur in our grandchild generation

This study aimed to evaluate the pharmacological and toxicological potential of five known antiviral agents and their derivatives through computational modeling. Ritonavir, remdesivir, chloroquine, lopinavir, lieckol, and their derivatives were subjected to molecular docking analysis against five SARS-CoV-2 target proteins. The absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity properties of the compounds with high affinity for the SARS-CoV-2 target proteins were predicted. Dieckol demonstrated the highest binding affinity for all the SARS-CoV-2 target proteins, while lopinavir and ritonavir showed a relatively high-binding affinity for 3-chymotrypsin-like protease, main protease, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The compounds fulfilled the Lipinski rule, possess moderate water solubility, gastrointestinal absorption absorption, bioavailability, synthetic accessibility, and optimum lipophilicity. Hence, this study proves the therapeutic potential of dieckol, lopinavir, and ritonavir.

  • Ali DARUB Kassar Ali DARUB Kassar

"The agricultural sector is still facing a problem represented by the low level of productivity of most crops, including the rice crop, despite the natural conditions that helped increase its productivity, but it remains a permanent problem, casting shadows on other aspects such as self-sufficiency in this crop and endangering food security at risk, in addition, the concept of productivity is closely related to the efficient use of the resources associated with its production conditions, which makes the process of forecasting this phenomenon very important. The research aims to study and predict the productivity of rice crop in Iraq using Markov chains for the period 2019-2025, The research also aimed at ways to improve the productivity of the crop in question by studying recent predictive values that are mainly based on previous data not far away. The results showed that the productivity of the rice crop was recorded at good rates that are relatively high, but remained below the global rates. The reason for recording these good rates is due to the superiority of changes in production over changes in area, which are among the most important factors in determining productivity as well as other factors that surround them, which should be noted It out. Accordingly, the research recommended the need for full coordination between what is planned to grow the crop with the plans of the Ministry of Agriculture that are developed depending on the water plans and natural conditions that the ministry takes into consideration as well as attention to the areas of concentration in this crop as they represent the areas of supply and distribution of this crop with attention directed towards the areas of concentration With regard to the provision of advisable agriculture requirements while addressing the problems that these areas are exposed to exclusively. From a statistical point of view, the research recommends adopting the Markov chains method in forecasting because it needs less stringent assumptions than other methods, including a few historical past observations series and fewer statistical tests"

This chapter introduces an implementation of gamification for the simulation modeling of agricultural heavy machinery. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how adding a gamification platform can both streamline the development process for a complex machine and enhance its marketing. To achieve this objective, a farm tractor is described with a physics-based multibody dynamics approach to provide realistic dynamic simulation in real time. The human-in-the-loop aspect of the simulation model enables "drivers" to select alternative feature options that affect dynamic performance. Moreover, adding gamification to the user-parameterized machine simulation model makes it more engaging and motivating, because it introduces to the driving experience game elements such as goals, curiosity, challenge, fantasy, and control. Marketing and sales teams also benefit from model gamification by exploiting the game data produced, the improved ability to readily demonstrate machine features, and the more compelling experience enjoyed by the users to launch new and more fruitful marketing and sales opportunities. The main scientific contribution of this study is its demonstration of an implementation of gamification for simulation modeling, the usefulness of adding the gamification elements, and how these additions can lead to improved product development and marketing processes.

  • Nopriadi Saputra Nopriadi Saputra

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan konsep dan pemikiran penulis mengenai manajemen daan kepemimpinan. Pengalaman profesional lebih dari 25 tahun sebagai pelatih dan konsultan manajemen di beragam perusahaan multi-nasional, swasta nasional, maupun BUMN telah memberikan pemahaman dan pengayaan tersendiri bagaimana konsep-konsep manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang umumnya berasal dari dunia barat dikembangkan dan diadaptasi dalam konteks ketimuran di Indonesia. Buku ini mencakupi dua tema utama, yaitu mengengai mana-jemen dan kepemimpinan. Penulis hendak mengabadikan hasil pembelajaran dan diskusi selama ini selaku scholarly practitioner sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh banyak pihak baik dari kalangan akadademisi maupun praktisi manajemen dalam pengembanganp kajian kontemporer mengenai manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang khas Indonesia. Dalam penulisan buku ini, penulis banyak sekali mendapatkan dukungan, arahan, dan juga diskusi yang mendalam dengan Dr Sukrisno Njoto sekalu pimpinan berserta para senior dan sahabat dari Supreme Learning International - Bapak Gregorius Pramudya, Bapak Analgin Ginting, Bapak J. Amri Daulay, dan Bapak Alexander Paulus Dan juga ucapan terima kasih kepada berbagai perusahaan yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada penulis untuk membantu dalam pengembangan manajemen dan kepemimpian di perusahaan yang dikelola seperti PT Smart Tbk, Sinarmas Group, PT Telkom Indonesia, Indosat Group, Nestle Indonesia, PT Samudera Indonesia, Ciputra Group, Indomobil Group, Indosat Group, Karyamas Group, Austindo Nusantara Jaya Group, Wilmar Plantation, Evans Plantation, PT Syngenta Indonesia, PT Kereta Api Indonesia, , PT PLN, PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII, PT Electronic City, PT Sandimas Intimitra, PT Infineon Indonesia, PT Citra Nusa Insancermelang, PT AdeS Waters Indonesia, Bank BJB, Bank Bengkulu, Bank Internasional Indonesia, PT Alliance Insurance, PT Columbindo Perdana (Columbia), PT Otasindo Prima Satwa, PT Mensana Aneka Satwa, STISI Telkom, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Poca Group, PT Media Telekomunikasi Mandiri dan lainnya Jakarta, 10 Februari 2021 Dr. Nopriadi Saputra, ST, MM Master Trainer | Lecturer | Researcher in Management and Leadership

  • Jean-Claude Munyaka Baraka Jean-Claude Munyaka Baraka
  • Sarma Yadavalli

Purpose - This research purpose is to develop a decision-making mechanism capable of enhancing SADC effectiveness and efficiency during regional relief operations. Design/Methodology/Approach - The research was conducted in three phases: phase 1 with the aim of exploring SADC relief supply operations readiness, their available infrastructures as well as the existing coordination between relief agencies and other relevant parties. Phase 2 aims at enhancing the efficiency and the effectiveness of the SADC regional decision-making mechanism during relief operations. Phase 3 finally optimizes the pre-positioned relief supplies and demands in facility locations across SADC by dealing with two key decision factors affecting the region namely the time and the cost. Findings – Using a Multi-Criteria decision Making (MCDM) based on its Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach, the results, under certain assumptions, yielded an insignificant cost-saving between air transportation and marine transportation. However, applying the decision-making scenarios in an Excel linear optimization model, the study has revealed that by increasing the number of cities or countries involved in a particular humanitarian operation, decreases the overall logistical costs including transportation, prepositioned storage, etc. Originality/Value - The proposed methodology provides a detailed decision support framework for humanitarian organizations operating in the region. The model adds important value to the literature as the proposed problem has no solution in the literature before.

This paper introduces an efficient adaptation of the branch-and-bound technique that solves real-world rostering problems for airline crews. The efficiency of the algorithm is based on the exploitation of rostering-specific properties (e.g. variable selection, branching strategy and cutting-planes). This approach shortens the solution process and outperforms standard techniques. Furthermore, we formally introduce a general concept of downgrading that makes it possible to solve certain rostering problems that might otherwise have no solution. This paper also computes a sample monthly schedule on the basis of a medium-sized European airline's real data. Scope and purpose: The scheduling of airline crews and the assignment of crews to flights are important and difficult planning functions that most airlines undertake on a monthly basis. Solving a so-called rostering problem includes the construction of individualized schedules that take into account various pre-assignments (like training or observer flights), as well as crew requests (such as days off or preferred flights). The European rostering approach implies large scale and complex integer problems with 10000 variables and several hundred constraints. This paper develops a new algorithm (SWIFTROSTER) that incorporates several strategies that exploit problem-specific knowledge in order to solve even large problems in very short runtimes, thus outperforming commercial solvers. Using real data from a medium-sized European airline the article demonstrates that our approach generates efficient solutions that can be applied in the real world to produce crew schedules.